Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Lingua Mongolia

Монгол бичгээр Хөвсгөл гэдгийг яаж бичдэг билээ гээд хайж яваад энэ залуугийн веб хуудастай анх танилцаж билээ. Цомхон хэрнээ хэрэгтэй, крилл ба монгол бичгийн үнэгүй интернет толь ажиллуулдаг юм билээ. Мөн Монголын Нууц Товчоо, Үндсэн Хууль, Д.Нацагдоржийн шүлгүүд зэргийг крилл, хуучин монгол, мөн галигаар нь оруулсан байсныг хараад их баярлаж байлаа. Д.Нацагдоржийн "Миний нутаг"-н гар бичмэлийг хүртэл оруулсан байсан. Өнөөдөр, ийм нэгэн захидал иржээ. Электрон толь бичгээ борлуулж эхлээд байгаа юм байна.

Dear Baynaa,

We thought you might be interested to know that we have just released the Cyrillic version of our Mongolian-English Dictionary, which is available from www.linguamongolia.co.uk and www.hoh-hot.com. The dictionary is the first to offer equal support for both Cyrillic and Uighur-script Mongolian and has taken over four years to produce.

The dictionary includes the following features:

- Over 24,000 Cyrillic and Uighur-script headwords
Thousands of usage examples
Search using Cyrillic Mongolian
Search using Uighur-script Mongolian
Search using standard transliteration (Vladimirtsov-Poppe-Mostaert-Cleaves)
Search for English words
Wildcard searches
Regular Expression searches
Intelligent VirtualKeyboard for entering Mongolian
Automatically scan all words from Cyrillic Mongolian webpages
Automatically scan webpages written in transliterated Mongolian
Automatically scan webpages written in Uighur-script Mongolian

The dictionary can scan webpages written in Cyrillic Mongolian and recognise an average of 85% of the words encountered. The dictionary de-conjugates verbs, listing both the base form, conjugated form and the name and meaning of the verb tense and/or case ending used. Users can then easily make sense of Cyrillic Mongolian webpages without having to search for each individual word – greatly aiding the process of gaining reading proficiency in Mongolian. It also converts numbers, abbreviations and acronyms into their written-word equivalents. Simply drag and drop text from any webpage onto the main definition pane and the dictionary will do the rest!

In addition, there is no need to install any extra fonts or change System Locales, setup is totally automated and the download size is just over 2mb.

The dictionary is compatible with almost every Windows platform (Windows 98, Me, NT, 2000, XP, 2003 Server and Vista ).

Yours sincerely,

Emyr R. E. Pugh
