Friday, October 22, 2010

APNIC Conference - Future of the Internet in Mongolia - 2010 Oct 21

Нилээд завсарлаад APNIC-с дахин Монголд арга хэмжээ зохиожээ дээ...

The Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC), in collaboration with the Government of Mongolia, MobiCom and MobiNet, will hold a one-day conference on the 21 October 2010 at Kempinski Hotel Khan Palace in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. The conference will be focused on the evolution of the Internet with the theme "Future of the Internet in Mongolia".

Inaugural session - Keynote
Moderator: Mr. Munkhbold Udval, Director, TPD, MobiCom

* Mr. BOLOR.D, CEO, MobiCom Corporation / Mr. Enkhsaikhan.M, CEO, MobiNet
* Mr. Munkhbold Udval, Director, TPD, MobiCom Corporation
* Mr. Nyamjdorj.G, Director, Information, Communications, Technology and Post Authority
* Mr. Batbold Toiruul, Communication Regulatory Commission
* Mr. German Valdez, Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC)

Technical session:
Coordinator: Mr. Srinivas (Sunny) Chendi, APNIC, Australia
* Supporting Internet growth and evolution: Mr. German Valdez, APNIC, Australia
* IPv6 deployment cases: Mr. Matsuzaki Yoshinobu, IIJ, Japan
* Internet Exchange and Peering: Mr. Bill Woodcock, PCH, USA
* DNS Security: Mr. Champika Wijayatunga, APNIC, Australia

Internet Policy, Governance, and Multilingualism:
Coordinator: Mr. Srinivas (Sunny) Chendi, APNIC, Australia
* Internet users' role in Internet Governance: Dr. Hong Xue, APRALo
* Internationalized domain names: Ms. Jian Zhang, APTLD
* Internet Policy and regulations: Ms. Christine Runnegar, ISOC
* Introduction to ICANN and Policy Development: Mr. Save Vocea, ICANN

Panel discussion – Future of Internet in Mongolia
Moderator: Mr. Munkhbold Udval, Director, TPD, MobiCom
* Mr. [TBC], CRC
* Mr. Nyamdorj.G, ICTPA
* Mr. Sukhbaatar.Yo, NITP
* Mr. Enkhsaikhan.M, MobiNet
* Mr. [TBC], NDC
* Mr. Bayarsaikhan.V, "MOSA" NGO
* Ms. Tsetsegulzii.Ya, "Tsahim Medleg" NGO


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